Greece after the referendum

Mon 06/07/2015

Greece has never transitioned to the 21st century. It is a charming, laid back place, with its beautiful landscapes, ancient history and delicious food. This is perfect for tourism, but little else. Had the Greeks […]

Au FN, la Russie reconnaissante ? | Libération

Fri 03/04/2015

Mediapart publie les textos d’un responsable russe désireux de «remercier» le FN pour son soutien à l’annexion de la péninsule ukrainienne en mars 2014. Quelques mois avant que le parti ne reçoive d… Source: Au FN, […]

Europe’s Bad Conscience

Wed 18/02/2015

In an editorial in Il Corriere Della Sera Europe’s bad conscience, Ernesto Galli della Loggia claims that Europeans are incapable of thinking about their own security mainly because they are incapable of thinking about war, […]

Marine Le Pen and the Charlie Hebdo rally

Sat 24/01/2015

The FN was excluded from the Charlie Hebdo rally because, although Marine Le Pen is trying to make her party look respectable, it has a long history of violence, neo-nazi connections and negationism. Beside the […]

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