Trolls, trolls galore

Wed 19/03/2014

Russian trolls with Anglo sounding names are working overtime. Dozens of names, writing the same things in all the fora. Spewing venom and repeating trite and retrite anti-western platitudes. Good old Soviet methods updated for […]

Ukraine, Russia and the West

Mon 10/03/2014

No great power will lift a finger for a small country, unless its vital interests are at stake, translated more often than not to read=OIL. And the US is getting its energy independence back thanks […]

Gramellini confronta Renzi con Mussolini

Fri 28/02/2014

Vito Kahlun cita Gramellini che confronta Renzi con Mussolini: Fatta eccezione per Daniela Santanchè, all’accostamento Renzi-Mussolini  non si era spinto ancora nessuno”. Ha ragione Massimiliano Gallo che, commentando per The Front Page il Buongiorno di Massimo Gramellini su La Stampa di […]

One Europe: The Costs of Euromaidan

Mon 24/02/2014

One Europe: The Costs of Euromaidan  One Europe tallies the costs of Euromaidan: Ukrainian news portal designed the infographic  which displays the costs* of the support system on Euromaidan organized by protesters themselves.   Ukrainian people have shown that they […]

Saviano: Se vince la paura si rinnega la storia

Sun 23/02/2014

Roberto Saviano: Se vince la paura si rinnega la storia, l’Espresso 19 Febbraio 2014. “Il referendum svizzero contro la circolazione degli stranieri è ispirato da timori che sono frutto della disinformazione. Decidere su queste basi […]

EU video: Europe, from war to peace

Sun 16/02/2014

Nicodin Bogdan on G+: “A very powerful propaganda film from the +European Commission” By not telling young people – each new generation – how terrible our past had been and what toll we have paid for […]

One Europe: Why so much islamophobia in Europe?

Thu 07/11/2013

Why so much islamophobia in Europe?  It’s the egg and the chicken: as the first generation of north-African workers came to France and Turks to Germany, they had work, but were not necessarily accepted socially. […]

Irish Times: Some British voters do not know they are in EU

Wed 30/10/2013 1. Interesting how the people who most complain about a lack of democracy in the EU are the ones mostly advocating really undemocratic solutions, ranging from the extreme left to the extreme right.

Facebook allows videos of beheadings

Mon 21/10/2013

BBC News: Facebook lets beheading clips return A few years ago we had a discussion at work on whether we should screen material containing extreme violence, showing beheadings of western hostages by terrorists in Iraq […]

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