NYT: E.U. Deal Clears Path for British Referendum on Membership

Cameron practicing the usual British blackmail to extort advantages for his country. That’s no way to be a member of a club and it’s no way to run a country. Negotiation is fine, blackmail is not. I would say that Brexit would be a blessing for Europe, as it would clear the air for the rest of the club, were it not that Britain would be the first domino to fall into Putin’s lap. Putin is already flooding Britain and Europe with disinformation and it’s working very well for him, not so well for us. If European citizens start falling for his siren calls, we might as well start moving to America – as long as, by then, it’s not Trump’s America.

Prime Minister David Cameron agreed to a package of concessions that clear the way for him to call for a vote in Britain on whether to cut ties to the union.

Source: E.U. Deal Clears Path for British Referendum on Membership
