Anne Applebaum Understanding Stalin|The Atlantic
Russian archives reveal that he was no madman, but a very smart and implacably rational ideologue. Source: Understanding Stalin
Russian archives reveal that he was no madman, but a very smart and implacably rational ideologue. Source: Understanding Stalin
Spanish writer Arturo Perrez-Reverte series of four articles on the West and Islam (in Spanish): Los godos seguirán llegando en oleadas, anegando fronteras, caminos y ciudades. Están en su derecho, y tienen justo lo que […]
Very impressive!
Russian expansionism, summarised by Norman Davies: “Russian historians have rationalized their country’s expansion in terms of ‘national tasks’ and ‘the gathering of the lands’. In reality, Russia and its rulers were addicted to territorial conquest. […]
Przeraża mnie, że ludzi nie chcą myśleć, jak to było w latach 30. XX wieku. Przecież to były straszne czasy dla wszystkich. Z jednej strony nazizm, z drugiej komunizm. Polska toczyła niemożliwą grę między Niemcami […]
In early 2017, Poland was supposed to unveil what is perhaps the most ambitious museum devoted to World War II in any country. Yet the current Polish government, led by the conservative Law and Justice […]
Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? Source: What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour
If you thought that Trump was about as weird as you can get, think again. Inside the unorthodox conservative movement riding the Trump wave. Source: The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It’s that, […]
Nos remontamos a 1940 para conocer al embajador británico en España, Samuel Hoare, de la mano de Alberto de Frutos, redactor jefe de la revista ‘Historia de Iberia Vieja’. Compró la cúpula militar para evitar […]
Germany faces a new reality, with terror elsewhere in Europe and the refugee crisis at its doors. Source: Angela Merkel’s Unpopular Goodness
Świetna analiza, mimo że straszna. …niedojrzałość zresztą jest dramatem również dla samego Kaczyńskiego, bo – najpewniej – wcale nie chciał być nigdy ludowym trybunem. Chciał przemawiać do inteligenckiego centrum, tam też, myślę, kierowane od zawsze […]
New research suggests a backscratch agreement that traded access for control Source: How the Associated Press Became Part of the Nazi Propaganda Machine | Smart News | Smithsonian
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