Who are Veterans for Britain?
You can’t understand Brexit without understanding Veterans for Britain. Source: Who are Veterans for Britain?
You can’t understand Brexit without understanding Veterans for Britain. Source: Who are Veterans for Britain?
A hoary riddle comes to mind. Question: Where does an 800-pound gorilla sit? Answer: Anywhere it pleases. Meaning no disrespect to our primate brothers and sisters, this is the hour of the gorillas. The Cabinet […]
We are sorry to have disappointed you. But maybe we Spaniards have grown up and no longer need to be lectured Source: Anglocondescension | In English | EL PAÍS Original in Spanish: https://elpais.com/elpais/2017/11/01/opinion/1509540815_830256.html
While socialists were in power, Rajoy blocked a deal PSOE was working on with the Catalans. When he came to power, he studiously ignored the Catalan issue, letting things happen, then he let more things […]
This sheds new light on the efforts of fact checkers and journalists – fighting an impossible battle with deeply irrational, sentiment driven voting. It confirms that, in order to attract voters, we have to come […]
Les décodeurs – Découvrez gratuitement tous les articles, les vidéos et les infographies de la rubrique Les décodeurs sur Le Monde.fr. Source: Les décodeurs : Toute l’actualité sur Le Monde.fr.
Those who welcome the prospect of decline in Britain and the US should be careful what they wish for, argues Guardian columnist Timothy Garton Ash Source: After Trump and Brexit, is this the end for […]
RTÉ’s Europe Editor Tony Connelly looks at the Apple ruling and the possible impact of a similar case involving Spanish bank Santander. Source: Apple, Ireland and the Spanish connection
As his army blatantly annexed Crimea, Vladimir Putin went on TV and, with a smirk, told the world there were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine. He wasn’t lying so much as saying the truth doesn’t […]
The author claims that we should stop treating terrorism as exceptional and learn to deal with it more intelligently. Contains some good ideas, although I disagree with some of them, like funding “moderate” Muslims: we’ve […]
The funniest (and saddest) of things: Russians, Poles, French, Greeks, Brits and others turn to nazi ideology – I don’t mention Germany, Austria and Italy, because they were the source of it. The victims want […]
Who made Rupert Murdoch pope? When Henry VIII decided to establish the Church of England, it was to affirm his right to be the only master of the destiny of his country, right? Henry VIII […]
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