‘Occidentophobia’: The Elephant in the Room

Sun 31/01/2016

“The West” is regularly seen as some combination of loss of moral values, imperialism and drone attacks — a description reminiscent of the Star Trek Borg species that assimilates into and then destroys other cultures. […]

Obama Is Poland’s Only Hope | Foreign Policy

Fri 29/01/2016

Poland’s political crisis is escalating at breakneck speed. At the opening of Parliament in November, the Law and Justice party used its new majority to… Source: Obama Is Poland’s Only Hope | Foreign Policy

El País interview with Etienne Davignon

Fri 29/01/2016

Etienne Davignon: “La UE está a punto de colapsar y casi ningún líder la defiende” Ante la grave crisis que atraviesa el proyecto europeo, la Alianza de Periódicos Líderes Europeos (LENA) entrevista a uno de […]

Gary Hart: SPQA|Huffington Post

Tue 26/01/2016

Good catchy tile: SPQA, as I was about to flag the spelling error. What the post doesn’t mention is the demographic bomb which both the Romans and our civilisation is facing. Romans used some of […]

Democracy collapsing in eastern Europe?

Sat 23/01/2016

When we talk about people with different opinions in democratic societies, we refer to people who can perhaps argue and disagree, but can do it in an acceptable manner and within the limits of laws […]

Foreign Affairs: Obama and Europe

Mon 11/01/2016

Obama failed to take European security seriously for most of his presidency, and his administration’s complacency paved the way for renewed Russian revanchism in Ukraine. Source: Obama and Europe

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