Il futuro della stampa (e del giornalismo)

Sat 07/02/2015

Immaginare un futuro per il giornalismo affinché possa sopravvivere e prosperare, invece di dissolversi in un mare di trivialità e sparire. E inutile piangere su quello che non funziona, sul crollo delle vendita in edicola […]

Marine Le Pen and the Charlie Hebdo rally

Sat 24/01/2015

The FN was excluded from the Charlie Hebdo rally because, although Marine Le Pen is trying to make her party look respectable, it has a long history of violence, neo-nazi connections and negationism. Beside the […]

Il faut des psychiatres pour comprendre le monde Arabe

Tue 20/01/2015

Le comportement des musulmans fait penser à un complexe d’infériorité collectif. Quelles que soient ses motivations, même s’il n’y en a pas du tout, c’est un phénomène très dangereux: l’Allemagne après la 1ère guerre mondiale […]

Finding a balance between privacy protection and security

Sun 18/01/2015

Privacy advocates never cease invoking Armageddon, every time anybody tries to fight terrorism by improving surveillance and intelligence. There is also a fundamental right that is often overlooked by our self-appointed privacy advocates: the right […]

Conspiracy theories

Wed 14/01/2015

When you live in a totalitarian society, you learn to read between the lines and trust nothing at face value. You know that starting with your government all the way down to the humblest official […]

Boko Haram massacres and the media

Mon 12/01/2015

Boko Haram has been busy these days, massacring whole villages, with hundreds or even thousands of victims. Some voices on social sites complain that we are dedicating so much time to the Paris terrorist attacks […]

Mario Vargas Llosa: Las guerras del fin del mundo

Sun 11/01/2015

Going back over Peruvian writer’s, Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa opinion piece in El Pais in Sept 2014 about democracy under attack from the new barbarians, I noticed that, unfortunately, he was being excessively […]

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